Bay Park Sewage Treatment PlantEmergency Restoration Contract (Hurricane Sandy)

As a result of Hurricane Sandy on October 29, 2012, the Bay Park Wastewater Treatment Plant, which services 550,000 (or 40%) of Nassau County’s residents, was flooded by a 12-foot storm surge that caused the entire plant to shut down and remain inoperable for more than 2 days. Nassau County DPW immediately directed RJ, based on RJ’s positive work history with the county, to perform a series of emergency work orders that led to the restoration of the plant within 2 months’ time. RJ was able to restore the plant operations well in advance of the estimated timeframes that had been previously contemplated by the engineers and other representatives of Nassau County.
The scope of work was predominantly mechanical and ranged from repair and replacement of damaged tidal, influent, effluent/dewatering pumps throughout the plant to installing new process equipment and supporting temporary plant operations around the clock.
Nassau County DPW
Completed Project